We are a USA based company, founded by Mat Dry, Field Guide Association of Southern Africa (FGASA)-trained since 2007, and author of the books THIS IS AFRICA: True Tales of a Safari Guide I and II. We understand that there are sometimes concerns with encountering the unknown. Our job is to take those concerns and customize a trip of a lifetime for you! Let us do the planning. We love Africa, talking about Africa, being in Africa and watching you fall in love with Africa. Our fun will begin long before you get on a plane!
Our burning desire is to introduce you to Africa in an unforgettable way

TIA Safaris wants you to have a fun, safe, comfortable journey, but also to gain an in-depth understanding of the history, geography, taxonomy, geology, cultures, and, most especially, the flora and fauna of Africa. Everyday you will be privy to the fascinating details of the people, places, and things that await us on the road. We like to say “No African rock will be left unturned for you to see what is beneath.” There are few companies, if any, in Africa that can lead you through its wilds and lift the veil of its mysteries like TIA and Mat!
What TIA Means
“TIA,” or “This is Africa,” is a common expression in Africa for “C’est la vie.” When anything haphazard, random, and trying occurs, which is often on the wild continent, locals shrug and say, “T.I.A”.
We at TIA Safaris are giving This is Africa a new meaning. Our mission is to make you see the wonder of the most untamed and beautiful part of the world. There are endless companies who will usher you through Africa, but T.I.A. will give you the hands-on experience and in-depth understanding to appreciate the people, the history, the flora and wildlife.